
Letter to the editor: Nuovos deserve lasting tribute

As I was reading the tributes to Victor Nuovo in this newspaper following his death a few weeks ago, it occurred to me that a fitting memorial would be to name the Cross Street bridge in his honor. No one played a greater role than Victor in forging the partnership between the town and Middlebury College that enabled the bridge to become reality, without state or federal funding, and after over fifty years of unproductive discussion.

And then I read the editorial celebrating Victor’s life, and saw that former state representative Paul Ralston had suggested naming the bridge in honor of both Victor and Betty Nuovo — an even better idea! But I have not read of further action; why not proceed now?

Surely no couple has contributed more to the town of Middlebury and the state of Vermont over the past half century than Betty and Victor Nuovo. I hope that the selectboard will move forward with naming the bridge in their honor, which would be a fitting memorial indeed. In later years, we so often saw the two of them walking around Middlebury, hand-in-hand. How appropriate to have their memory preserved together through the bridge that connects us across the Otter Creek.

Frank Winkler


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