Letter to the editor: Venezuela hit by election fraud
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and have held dual citizenship since birth, thanks to my mother, who was born and raised in the United States. As one of few Venezuelans in Addison County and Vermont, I have always felt a profound connection to both my Venezuelan roots and my American upbringing. This unique perspective has fueled my passion for justice and democracy, particularly in Venezuela. Since I was 16 years old, I have been actively involved in anti-government demonstrations, following the dramatic turn towards authoritarianism after the attempted coup d’état in April 2002.
The recent 2024 presidential election in Venezuela is a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for democracy in my birth country. The ruling party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), committed massive electoral fraud, with the centralized National Election Council announcing dictator-president Nicolás Maduro as the winner without providing much detail or evidence. The democratic opposition, led by María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia has overwhelming evidence of fraud, showing that González actually won over 67% of the vote.
This blatant fraud is not an isolated incident: It has far-reaching implications. Massive protests are expected I the coming days and weeks, and the government is likely to commit atrocities against the people. The steady exodus of Venezuelans to neighboring countries and the United States is bound to increase dramatically following this fraudulent election. The situation is not just a Venezuelan issue: It is a global concern. As autocracy gathers momentum, Venezuela’s example is likely to encourage dictators everywhere.
I urge our politicians and representatives in Congress to take more interest in Venezuela and do more for its people. The international community must take a stand against this blatant disregard for democracy and human rights. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the suffering of millions of Venezuelans. It is time for decisive action to support the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people and to hold the Maduro regime accountable for its actions.
The future of Venezuela hangs in the balance, and the world must not remain silent. Let us stand together in solidarity with the people of Venezuela and demand justice, democracy and human rights for al.
The opposition has presented documented evidence of electoral fraud, supported by the voter verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) from all electronic voting machines, which remains unchallenged. The fraudulent election is expected to result in heightened protests and a significant increase in the exodus of Venezuelans. The situation in Venezuela is likely to embolden autocratic regimes globally, making international intervention crucial.
Now more than ever we must rally to support Venezuela. The fight for democracy and human rights is a universal struggle, and our solidarity and action can make a difference.
Tuco Manrique
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