Letter to the editor: Vekos has been doing her best; others have failed her
About the State’s Attorney being short staffed: She has been short-staffed right from winning the election. She had to take over two months early because Peter Bevere, after losing his second bid for SA, left for another position in the state. He just left her and the people of Addison County high and dry. He could have stayed to help with the transition and still kept his new position.
As for her arrest on D.U.I., there are a lot of questions that need answers. How is it nobody detected alcohol or impairment when she arrived on the scene and met with the officers before entering the crime scene? How after a long while walking thru the crime scene, I’m told that, nobody approached her even after one officer said he thought he detected alcohol. Why did she not get questioned when they all walked out of the crime scene? As I understand it, she was not questioned until she was back in her car waiting her turn to pull out.
Where is the body-cam footage? Is there any footage? Has anyone asked to see it? How is it we saw body-cam footage of the state representative stopped for drunk driving on his way to the capitol clearly intoxicated, charged with DUI? Now he gets to attend a couple of AA meetings and they’re going to dismiss his charges.
This sure seems political. State’s Attorney Vekos, you keep up the great work and the great service to the county. As you and every attorney knows, there is always someone not happy with the outcome in court cases and needs to complain about being treated unfair. God bless, keep up the good fight.
Michael Shackelford
Editor’s note: Contrary to the writer’s assertion that “nobody detected alcohol or impairment when she arrived on the scene,” the Vermont State Police’s official account of its Jan. 24, DUI investigation involving Ms. Vekos states that, “Upon her arrival (on scene) at approximately 8:50 p.m., troopers detected the odor of intoxicants and observed indicators of impairment such as slurred speech.”
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