
Early childhood guide: Local ECE networks provide support and connection

Childcare directors and family home providers have access to local networks that provide time for collegiality and connections every month.

The Addison County Directors Network and the Addison County Home Providers Network monthly meetings are facilitated by local leaders in the profession and offer opportunities for our local early educators to network and share professional development. Collectively we stay abreast of state issues regarding regulations and new protocols as well as pending or legislative changes.

Our local networks are part of a statewide system of networks that is funded by grants administered by the Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VTAEYC).

Being connected locally, regionally, and at the state level means we have conversations that bring the early childhood education (ECE) professional cohesion and a broad understanding of issues that impact children, families and educators in Addison County and Vermont.

Local network initiatives this year include promoting the Week of the Young Child (April 6-12) and professional development. Topics of early special education, reflective supervision, and working with clay in an early childhood setting are a few of the workshops that have been offered. These professional development opportunities mean Addison County early educators are collaborating with and deepening relationships with local experts as we learn more about specific areas of interest. And the learning and the connections mean higher quality and better outcomes for the children in our programs.

Monthly meeting topics also include discussions of quality, capacity, subsidy, nature based curriculum, waitlists, and licensing questions. 

The professional connections we have through our networks means we are better equipped to support each other, families and children.

The Addison County networks are led and facilitated by Su White and Linda January of the Directors Network and Cookie Danyow of the Family Home Providers Network.

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