
Middlebury Police Log: Man cited for interfering with emergency services

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Byron T. Murray, 39, of Middlebury for interfering with access to emergency services in the Weybridge Street area on Jan. 27. Police were called around 6:30 a.m. on that Saturday.

In other action last week, Middlebury police:

• Investigated a report of a woman being harassed on Court Street on Jan. 22.

• Helped a local resident with a fraud complaint on Jan. 22.

• Served no-trespass orders on Jan. 22 on two people in connection with theft complaints made by a Court Street store.

• On Jan. 22, patrolled an area of Bakery Lane where houseless individuals had been camping in recent months.

• Enforced the town’s overnight winter parking ban in the downtown area on Jan. 23, 27, 28 and 29.

• Provided a drug recognition evaluation of a driver who had been stopped by Vermont State Police Jan. 23.

• Received a report about a person allegedly seen peering into the windows of vehicles parked at the Hannaford supermarket parking lot on Jan. 23.

• Responded to a report of a woman allegedly seen smoking crack in a vehicle parked in the South Village Green lot off Court Street Extension on Jan. 23. Police said they seized items from the vehicle and that the case remains under investigation.

• Responded to a noise complaint in the South Pleasant Street area on Jan. 23.

• Helped an elderly person get into their Exchange Street home during icy conditions on Jan. 24.

• Responded to a report of a driver slumped over the steering wheel of their car while parked off Exchange Street on Jan. 24. Police said the driver was fine and not impaired.

• Served a temporary restraining order on a person in the Brookside Drive area on Jan. 24.

• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS on an emergency call to a Chipman Heights residence on Jan. 24.

• Checked on the welfare of a man believed to have been sitting unconscious in his vehicle at Wright Park on Jan. 24.

• Checked on the welfare of a man on Seymour Street on Jan. 24.

• Received a complaint on Jan. 24. about a Middlebury Union High School student allegedly being assaulted by a classmate.

• Responded to a reported assault at the Charter House Emergency Shelter on Jan. 24.

• Cited Henry S. Romp, 32, of Middlebury for driving with a criminally suspended license on Court Street on Jan. 25.

• Investigated a report of someone driving erratically in the McIntyre Lane parking lot on Jan. 25.

• Checked on a report of someone sleeping in the shared entry of a North Pleasant Street apartment building on Jan. 25. Police did not find anyone.

• Received a report about a man allegedly “smashing things” in a parking lot in the Jayne Court neighborhood on Jan. 26.

• Provided traffic control during a minor road repair on Seymour Street Extension on Jan. 26.

• Patrolled the Bakery Lane area on Jan. 26.

• Responded to a report that a vehicle had been vandalized while parked on Mill Street on Jan. 26.

• Gave a courtesy ride home to an elderly patient stranded at Porter Medical Center on Jan. 27.

• Investigated a report of a man walking down the middle of Route 7 South at around 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 27.

• Investigated a report of a man breaking into a vehicle parked in the Hannaford supermarket parking lot on Jan. 27.

• Responded to a report of someone screaming in the Jayne Court neighborhood on Jan. 27. Police said it was a youth who had been yelling while playing video games.

• Investigated a credit card fraud complaint at Aubuchon Hardware on Jan. 27.

• Assisted G. Stone Motors on Jan. 27 in recovering a vehicle that had allegedly been purchased with the use of a fraudulent check.

• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS, Bristol Rescue and Middlebury Fire Department officials at a medical call on Washington Street on Jan. 27 at 2 a.m.

• Assisted a woman who had been experiencing a mental health crisis in the Court Square area on Jan. 28.

• Assisted emergency responders in the Merchants Row area in dealing with a person experiencing a mental health crisis on Jan. 28.

• Received a report about and unwanted person refusing to leave the lobby of a Court Street Extension business on Jan. 28.

• Returned some found property to Middlebury College campus on Jan. 28.

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