Arts & Leisure

Middlebury College hosts dance events open to all


Movement Matters: Global Body in Conflict Research Presentation

Over the last year the Dance Department at Middlebury College has researched Conflict Transformation through embodiment. In a presentation on Jan. 23, from 5-6 p.m., the collaborators will share some of what they have learned.

“When we speak of the ills of the world… we are talking about things that happen to bodies.” — Sonya Renee Taylor

In dance we are encouraged to practice not knowing the answer, trying something new and asking questions. This approach can build intercultural communication, interdisciplinary problem solving, risk taking, empathy and curiosity. This is conflict transformation.

This event will take place in the Mahaney Art Center Dance Theater, room 110, and is free and open to all.

Practicing Change: Things to be Repeated- Dance Company of Middlebury

The Dance Company of Middlebury presents “Practicing Change: Things to be Repeated” on Jan. 26 and 27, at 7:30 p.m. Performances will be held in the Mahaney Arts Center Dance Theater, room 110. 

“Show And Tell” will be held on Jan. 25, from 5-6 p.m., at the Mahaney Arts Center Dance Theater, room 110. Open to all.

Directed by Lida Winfield, joined by several special guest artists: Sydnie L Mosley and six Creative Partners and members of SLMDances, including alumna Jessica Lee ’13. SLMDances is a New York City based dance-theater collective that works in communities to organize for gender and racial justice. Professor Jeff Buettner’s “Sing the World into Place” Winter Term course. Music created by Professor’s McLean Macionis and Matthew Taylor and Lighting design by Bert Crosby. This original evening of dance and music is centered around the theme of transformation.

Performances are open to the public. Visit Middlebury Box Office for tickets: $15 for general public; $10 for Middlebury faculty, staff, and valid ID holders; $8 for youth under 21; $5 for Middlebury College students.

A special Show And Tell event will be held prior to the performances on Jan. 25, from 5-6 p.m., in the MAC Dance Theater, room 110. Join the Dance Company of Middlebury, SLMDances and collaborating musicians for an informal evening of process sharing. Students and artists will share the behind-the-scenes process of making, collaboration, questions explored and short excerpts of the final performance.

For more information visit

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