Letter to the editor: Snowbowl bus has huge value
The bus from Middlebury to Rikert/Snowbowl is absolutely free! The bus leaves from Middlebury’s Academy Street roughly every hour Wednesday through Sunday, so it is quite convenient. The drivers are all very kind. The ride is beautiful and you can sit back and take in the view. No worries of finding a parking spot at Snowbowl. Since the bus is running, why not park your car at the academy stop and use less fossil fuels each time you head out for a ski?
You can also coordinate bus rides from other towns (like Bristol) and transfer to the Snowbowl bus. Again, multiple options with convenient times.
And lastly, there is now a punch card where for every 10 rides you get a free gift from Rikert/Snowbowl.
Hope to see you on the bus!
Jennifer Kluever
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