
Middlebury Police Log: Police apprehend Colorado fugitive

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police responded to the report of a man exposing himself in the drive-through of Walgreens Pharmacy off Court Street during the afternoon of Nov. 20. Police said the man was gone upon their arrival.

In addition to conducting additional patrols in the Bakery Lane area to check on a group of houseless folks who’ve been camping under the Cross Street Bridge, Middlebury police:

• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS (MREMS) on a medical call in the Sugarwood Court neighborhood on Nov. 20.

• On Nov. 20, cited Mark Bilodeau, 19, of Weybridge for retail theft.

• Were informed on Nov. 20 that some people were squatting in a Munger Street home. Police said they referred the homeowner to the eviction process to remove the unwanted people from the abode.

• Began investigating the possible theft of financial documents from an elderly Amory Lane resident on Nov. 20.

• Enforced Middlebury’s overnight winter parking ban downtown on Nov. 21.

• Responded to a report of a plow truck striking a building on Merchants Row during the evening of Nov. 21.

• Responded to a domestic argument at a Route 7 South home on Nov. 21.

Investigated a crash involving a vehicle that had collided with two pedestrians near the intersection of Cross and Main streets on Nov. 22. Police said the pedestrians in question sustained “very minor injuries” that didn’t require a hospital visit.

• Responded to a trespassing complaint in the Munger Street area on Nov. 22.

• Arrested Megan A. Chaix, 34, of Colorado as a fugitive from justice after locating her on Merchants Row with a felony extraditable warrant from Colorado on Nov. 22.

• Responded to a report of an injured deer on Route 30 on Nov. 23.

• Responded to a report of a woman walking in and out of Court Street traffic during the evening of Nov. 23. Police found the woman and told her to stay out of the road.

• Investigated a noise complaint in the North Pleasant Street area on Nov. 23.

• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS in responding to the Case Street area where a person was having a mental health crisis on Nov. 23.

• Helped a person experiencing mental health problems at Porter Hospital on Nov. 24.

• Assisted MREMS with a medical call at the Abby Pond Trailhead during the afternoon of Nov. 24.

• Responded to a report that a FedEx truck had struck the Pulp Mill Bridge on Pulp Mill Bridge Road on Nov. 24.

• Assisted in corralling cows from the Nop Farm that had gotten loose onto Route 7 on Nov. 24.

• Responded to a report of a man believed to be experiencing seizures at the Charter House Emergency Shelter on Nov. 25.

• Cited Jeffrey P. Preseau, 44, of Addison for driving with a criminally suspended license on Seymour Street on Nov. 25.

• Began an investigation into a reported theft at the Residence at Otter Creek on Nov. 25.

• Cited Amanda T. Smith, 37, of Shoreham for driving with a criminally suspended license in the Seminary Street Extension area on Nov. 25.

• Responded to an untimely death in the Case Street area on Nov. 25. Police identified the deceased as 69-year-old Kenneth Munson. Police reported no signs of foul play in this case.

• Assisted the Addison County Sheriff’s Department with a drug influence evaluation at Middlebury PD on Nov. 25.

• Investigated a report of a “large fight” in front of Two Brothers Tavern on Main Street at around 11:45 p.m. on Nov. 25.

• Cited Richard P. Quesnel, 38, of Shoreham for driving with a criminally suspended license near the intersection of Route 7 South and Halladay Road on Nov. 26.

• Investigated a hit-and-run incident in The Centre shopping plaza on Nov. 26 involving a vehicle that had left the scene after damaging another vehicle.

• Responded to a report of a fight between two people in the Bakery Lane area on Nov. 26. Police said both parties refused to provide information about the fight but agreed to separate.

• Conducted a welfare check on a person with mental health challenges in the Bakery Lane area on Nov. 26.

• Arrested Tracey Martel, 44, of Middlebury on an active in-state arrest warrant, on Route 7 South on Nov. 27. Police said Martel was lodged at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility on $5,000 bail.

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