
Vergennes Police Log: New York woman cited for unlawful mischief

VERGENNES — Vergennes police on July 12 cited a resident of the Valley Vista drug rehabilitation facility for unlawful mischief and disorderly conduct. 

Police allege April Lawrence, 30, of Potsdam, N.Y., became unruly because after she felt she was being treated unfairly by staff at the 1 Alden Place facility she punched a hole in a wall. 

In other action between July 10 and 16, Vergennes police conducted eight patrols in their cruisers and two on foot, three traffic stops, a property watch and a VIN inspection; responded to two false alarms; fingerprinted five job applicants; and:

On July 10:

• Following a complaint, asked the owner of an illegally parked vehicle near the intersection of School and Green streets to move it. 

• Took a report that two bags of redeemable bottles had been stolen from a Vergennes Boy Scout Club donation bin. 

• Handled a report of a minor two-vehicle accident on Main Street.

• Were told by a landlord that a tenant whose lease was being terminated was acting in an odd and possibly threatening manner; police said no problems cropped up.

• Heard an allegation that a man who had approached a woman might have done so in violation of a court order; police said no such order existed, but advised her how to obtain one.

On July 11:

• Calmed an arguing mother and daughter at the latter’s apartment on Main Street. Later in the week, on July 12, the daughter reported the mother missing, and Middlebury police found her in the Charter House in Middlebury.

• Heard from a Walker Avenue resident that another resident was acting strangely. Police spoke to the resident and offered to put him in touch with CSAC and advised the elderly housing property manager about the situation.

On July 12:

• Discussed with the victim a case of a man allegedly using a local organization’s Facebook page to stalk her; police said they raised the possibility of a no-trespassing order.

• Dealt with two reports of erratic driving. One proved to be unfounded, and police could not find the vehicle involved in the other.

• Received a tip that a city resident was driving with a suspended license.

• Took a call from an elderly woman who was worried because her daughter was not home. The daughter called later to say she was home, and then again on July 15 to alert police that her mother was struggling mentally.

 On July 14 were told by a Champlain Farms employee that a couple had been arguing in a parked car outside.

 On July 15 heard that an underage male had purchased alcohol at Champlain Farms but could not verify the report.

On July 16:

• Helped Middlebury police by speaking to a city resident about an ongoing case about a possible violation of conditions of release.

• After a complaint from Kinney Drug Store, spoke to a woman who had been sleeping on a bench outside the business. Police later found her walking on Monkton Road and gave her a ride to a bus stop. 

• Checked out a Main Street business after finding it unlocked after hours. 

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