Letter to the editor: Goshen residents thankful for road improvements
Editor’s note: The writers sent this to the chair of the Goshen selectboard and allowed us to print it as a letter to the editor.
Unfortunately, we are unable to attend the selectboard meeting this evening but I would like to offer some comments and observations as part of the record of the meeting.
I purchased our land on Lady Slipper Lane from Tony Clark in 1984, 39 years ago. Like other residents we appreciate the beauty and serenity of Goshen.
In the past 39 years I’ve only attended two town meetings. The first was approximately two years ago as the roads throughout town were in terrible condition. Like other residents we had experienced blown out tires. At the time I noted that the beauty of the town and property values were compromised by the condition of the roads, including the pavement near the town office and from Route 73 to the bridge. I also noted that the area around the garage was an eyesore for residents and guests as it was cluttered with inoperable machinery. I commented that evening that there were only two services that we get as residents for our significant taxes: 1) roads. 2) garbage collection.
Last summer as the roads continued to deteriorate garbage collection ceased. We were required to take our garbage to the town garage. Often the staff were not present at the designated opening time, which necessitated another trip to deposit the trash.
2023 is a new year. The roads and trash collection have not been this good in 39 years. The area around the garage has been groomed and planted — all of the old equipment removed. I would like to extend thanks to the selectboard for swift and effective efforts at addressing these issues of importance to all of us. Your efforts have improved our community and will ultimately add to our property values.
In these divisive times I believe it’s important to extend thanks where merited. You all serve as volunteers. Thanks for your stewardship.
Rip and Diana Mason
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