Letter to the Editor: Advertisement did not reflect candidate’s true views
Shame on anyone sending out a flyer with my picture on it. When I was told by its author that it was being done, I replied in a timely manner that I did not agree with the premise, it being sent or printed, did not want to be any part of it and not to include me. For someone to be allowed to use my name, pictures and faux endorsement of a stance is beyond the pale. For anyone to share the ad knowing it’s false, speaks more about their character than mine.
I am proud to stand for a no vote for any more tax increases on heating fuel and gas taxes which my opponents have voted for.
Adequately fund fire, EMS, Vermont National Guard, veterans and police for hiring and stronger enforcement of drug crimes. My opponents have called for police to have budgets “reallocated” along with police equipment, “including surveillance equipment” per a change.org petition sponsored by them and others.
Schools having more local control so they can control budgets and safety measures expanded. Also, allowing parents to choose the school they’d like their child to attend.
Health care cost and access being brought down through eliminating the “certificate of need” which will allow more walk-in clinics in our area. Open Vermont’s health insurance monopoly of only being able to purchase insurance from two companies should be expanded. We need more options for physical and mental health care.
Revamping Act 250 so the home-building process is streamlined and less expensive thus lower cost for the end homeowner and more housing being built.
Voting records can be found on state of Vermont’s website.
Oprah Winfrey says, “pay attention to what the people who claim to represent you are doing in your name.” I ask you to take just a few minutes of your time to see how you’ve been represented and ask how this has impacted our high cost of living in all areas of our life, how this has impacted our children’s education and I ask for your vote if you agree that my stance can make a better difference to impact your family.
Valerie Mullin, Monkton
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