
Letter to the editor: Deputy Secretary of State merits top position

The older I get, the more I appreciate being a Vermonter. It’s not just our natural surroundings or our hardworking citizens; it’s our attitude. It’s the way we value citizen participation, civic duty, and helping our neighbors. In other words, and regardless of our political party, we value democracy.

This is just one of many reasons why I know that Chris Winters is the best candidate for VT Secretary of State.
As Deputy Secretary of State, Chris Winters led Vermont to ensure safe and secure elections by putting in place a sophisticated cybersecurity plan. He was critical to our state’s success in enabling Vermonters to vote by mail during the pandemic. He figured out how to make election-day voter registration secure. He even stood up to the federal commission that demanded access to Vermont voters’ personal data.

I served as Addison County Senator from 2003-2019 and had many opportunities to work with Chris. I know that the work he’s done for us is essential to maintaining our strong democracy. I urge you to vote for Chris Winters in the Democratic Primary. Primary elections take place on August 9. Early voting starts June 25. Contact your local town clerk for a mail in ballot to be sure your voice is heard.

Claire Ayer


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