
Letter to the editor: Guns do not make us safe

This is not a foreign war. The terrorists are us. Yes, the horrors of war rip apart peoples and lands elsewhere. Yes, nations destroy nations but we are at war within ourselves. Our enemies don’t wear uniforms, our enemies don’t speak a different language, our enemies live next door.

The most hideous act of war, the most efficient tool of terror is the killing of children. U.S.A. is number one. A great evil has infected our land, a plague of hatred is sickening our people. Preachers of hatred proliferate on mass media pulpits. Silent profiteers smirk with glee at each mass killing. Gun manufacturers market more efficient weapons to an increasingly terrorized population in the name of capitalism, in the name of an arcane amendment in a dated document. The constitution is more sacred then our children’s lives. Guns do not make us safe.

Roland Wiebe


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