
Lincoln news for Feb. 10

LINCOLN — This year’s Hill Country Holiday Variety Show was so much fun! Thank you to Lincoln Sports for organizing such a fun weekend! Thank you to the two funniest guys around, Todd Goodyear and Charlie Prouty. We love the funny that you bring to the show. Thank you to Nate Gusakov, everyone sounded great! Thank you to everyone who worked behind the scenes and a special thank you to NEAT-TV for live streaming the event. Jacob and I weren’t able to attend this year, but we sure did enjoy watching it online.

Thank you to all the performers for sharing your talent with us. It was so nice seeing all those Lincoln Community School faces performing skits, singing, dancing and playing instruments. What talented people you all are. Also, thanks to the adults who shared their talents with us as well.

Thanks to Nate Perry for reminding us all about fire safety. What a wonderfully fun night this was. Can’t wait til next year’s show!


Saturday at the library was magical — the parade, the sunny weather, the fire truck, the bonfire, the rink, the food, but most of all the children and all of the other folks who took to the ice. There are so many people who made the rink and festivities possible.

A special shout-out of thanks goes to Don Gale who a couple weeks ago plowed the field after a large dump of snow just as we were about to construct the rink; Mike Burgess, Mike Dever, Glen Bartolomeo, and Grace Freeman for building the rink form in the brutal cold; Dan Ober and the Lincoln Fire Department for flooding the rink; Bill Finger and Glen Bartolomeo who showed up with the snowblower on Friday and cleared the foot or more of snow from the rink and the path; Christie Sumner and Lincoln Sports for financial support and shoveling; Harriet Szanto and Alan Pistorius for funding the 50 x 40 6 mm plastic liner; all of you who contributed pallets and wood for the fire; and Wendy Macintosh and

the Library Trustees and volunteers for their support and for hosting of the hot, delicious lunch. Everyone from the community who showed up, thank you!

Those who I may have neglected to mention, thank you. To whomever or whatever controls the weather, we owe you big time for the cold, the abundant snow and ice and brilliant sunshine!

Thank you!

One last thing: we’ll continue to maintain the ice as long as the weather holds. Please come and skate and slide anytime!

Until next time … Focus On The Step In Front Of You, Not The Whole Staircase. Life Is Too Short To Wait. A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up To Big Results.

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