Letter to the editor: It’s time for the new Bottle Bill
Now that the Vermont lawmakers are back at work it is my hope that the Senate Committee on Natural Resources chaired by our Sen. Chris Bray will take up the H.175 Bottle Bill passed last session in the House.
The issue of not only litter on roadways but pollution and clogging of our waste stream and waterways continues. It’s time for manufacturers and consumers to be held accountable for the waste generated by single serve drinks. And 5 cents is not an incentive to redeem bottles as the number of bottles thrown out car windows and in our landfills show. We need higher deposits on more containers.
A new, updated bottle bill will only help Vermont. Chris needs to hear from those he represents to get this bill passed and have ready to take effect this year. Please join me in contacting him at [email protected].
Victoria DeWind
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