Vergennes Police Log: City man faces multiple citations
VERGENNES — A Vergennes man faced multiple citations on Dec. 22 after allegedly rear-ending a vehicle driven by an acquaintance of his girlfriend. Police said the vehicle was also carrying the man’s girlfriend and two preschool children.
Everhart M. Newton was cited, and then released, for gross negligent operation of a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of an accident, four counts of reckless endangerment, and three counts of second-degree domestic assault.
Police said the incident occurred on School Street after the two vehicles left a Main Street residence at which the couple and the children had been staying, but had been asked to leave.
Police said the adult victim had called the friend and planned to leave with the children and without Newton, who they alleged became upset about those plans and then followed the friend’s vehicle onto School Street. Police said the driver suffered minor injuries.
In other action between Dec. 20 and 26, Vergennes police conducted four patrols by cruiser and two on foot and performed one VIN inspection, and also:
On Dec. 20:
- Were told that a Green Street resident’s debit card had been stolen and used to withdraw money from ATMs around the city, allegedly by a guest at his residence. Police were still investigating the incident early this week.
- Took steps to have an unwanted car removed from the St. Peter’s Church parking lot.
- Handed out holiday baskets at the Knights of Columbus Hall.
- Worked with AgeWell to help an East Street resident suffering from dementia.
- Checked on the welfare of a West Main Street resident who hadn’t answered the door for a Meals-On-Wheels delivery. Police learned the woman was OK.
On Dec. 21:
- Ticketed and ordered towed a car in violation of the city’s wintertime on-street parking ban. Police said they couldn’t determine who owned the car, however, because the plates had been reported stolen.
- Accepted a credit card that had been found by a citizen and began trying to reach its owner.
- Helped the driver of a partially disabled commercial truck find a place to pull off on West Main Street so as not to obstruct traffic.
- Served pizza and joined in the singing of carols at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Vergennes.
- Helped a disabled motorist by pushing his vehicle off Main Street.
On Dec. 24:
- Were called to Valley Vista on Alden Place to help with an unruly patient. Police said the patient calmed down and left the facility.
- Issued a no-trespass order to a relative of a New Haven Road family who had shown up and become aggressive in a dispute about a family inheritance.
- Checked the welfare of a Walker Avenue resident, who was determined to be OK.
- On Dec. 25, helped a High Street resident move from a chair into her bed, allegedly after a relative who police said was no longer there had refused to do so.
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