
Middlebury Police Log for Dec. 2

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police on Nov. 26 responded to report of a vehicle crashing into the side of a house on Lower Plains Road. Police believe the driver suffered a medical event and lost control of the vehicle, but was not injured in the crash.

Nobody was in the residence at the time of the crash, police said, though they added both the vehicle and house sustained “significant damage.” Police said the driver was taken to Porter Hospital.

In other action last week, Middlebury police:

  • Searched in vain for a patient who had prematurely driven away from Porter Hospital on Nov. 23.
  • Helped Porter Hospital staff locate a patient who had walked away on Nov. 24.
  • Responded to a report of a broken window at the former St. Mary’s School building on Shannon Street on Nov. 24.
  • Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a patient who was experiencing mental health issues at the Residence at Otter Creek on Nov. 24.
  • Received a report that someone had stolen a UPS-delivered package from in front of a Court Street residence on Nov. 24.
  • Helped reunite a lost dog with its owner on Nov. 25.
  • Assisted Vermont State Police at the scene of a one-car crash near the intersection of Lincoln Road and Route 125 in Ripton on Nov. 25.
  • Received a report on Nov. 27 that a woman had entered the Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op in violation of a no-trespass order.
  • Cited Troy S. Turner, 54, of St. Albans on an outstanding warrant out of St. Albans on Nov. 27. Police said they issued the citation after running his information following a traffic stop on South Main Street.
  • Notified Green Mountain Power that a tree had fallen on power lines in the Chipman Heights area on Nov. 27.
  • Checked on the welfare of a despondent man who had allegedly threatened to overdose on drugs at a Jayne Court residence on Nov. 27. Police said they made the check following a call from the man’s ex-girlfriend. Police contacted the man’s family, who said he was OK.
  • Told a truck driver to turn down the loud music he was playing in his vehicle parked off Court Street at around 1 a.m. on Nov. 27.
  • Arrested Roger L. Towle, Jr., 35, of Bridport and Ariel C. Farley, 29, of Middlebury on outstanding warrants on Nov. 27. Police said they arrested the pair after investigating a report of a domestic disturbance in a pull-off on Route 125 East. Police said Towle and Farley were both lodged at the Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility for lack of bail.
  • Responded to a car-deer collision on Seminary Street on Nov. 28. Police said the deer ran into the woods after being hit.
  • Responded to a domestic disturbance at a South Village Green residence on Nov. 28. Police said it turned out to be a family argument.
  • Checked on the welfare of a local man who had reportedly been having a mental health episode on Nov. 29.
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