Bristol Police Log: Two men cited for retail theft
BRISTOL — The Bristol Police Department made four arrests during the four-week period of Sept. 20 to Oct. 17:
On Sept. 22, Bristol police assisted Middlebury police in arresting David M. Loyer, 33, of Burlington, and Eric Loyer, 29, of Bristol, and cited them for retail theft. The pair were ordered to answer the charges in Addison Superior Court, criminal division, on Nov. 22.
On Sept. 26, Bristol police arrested a 17-year-old male juvenile for aggravated domestic assault after an incident on Main Street. The juvenile was ordered to appear in court on Sept. 27. Vermont law designates criminal defendants age 18 and younger as juveniles and authorities may keep their names secret.
And on Oct. 15, Bristol police arrested Ryan L’Heureux, 32, of Bristol, and cited him for aggravated assault, following an investigation of reported threatening behavior on North Street. L’Heureux’s court date was on Oct. 18.
Between Sept. 20 and Oct. 17, Bristol police completed 43 foot patrols, conducted 10 car patrols, and checked security at Mount Abraham Union High School 27 times, at Bristol Elementary School 28 times, and at local businesses 24 times.
Police also processed 136 fingerprint requests — most of them associated with local schools — monitored traffic during school dismissal nine times, responded to one alarm and one 911 call that turned out to be false, helped one person get into their locked vehicle and helped in the return of a lost cellphone.
Also during this period Bristol police assisted VSP four times, Bristol Rescue twice, Bristol Fire Department once, and the Windsor County State’s Attorney’s Office once.
In other recent activity, Bristol police:
- On Sept. 21, investigated a report of vandalism on Airport Drive.
- On Sept. 21, and again on Oct. 4, 5 and 11, directed traffic during student dismissal at Bristol Elementary School.
- On Sept. 22, provided transportation to someone on West Street.
- On Sept. 23, investigated a report of possible animal abuse on South Street.
- On Sept. 23 investigated a report of threatening behavior on West Street.
- On Sept. 23, responded to a report of a tree blocking part of West Street, directing traffic until the Department of Public Works could remove it.
- On Sept. 24, helped someone with a ride home from Prince Lane.
- On Sept. 24, investigated a report of vandalism on Airport Drive.
- On Sept. 25, received a report that a purse had been stolen on Main Street. The purse was later located, with nothing apparently missing, and was returned to its owner.
- On Sept. 26, verified sex offender compliance within the police district.
- On Sept. 26, investigated a report of erratic driving near the intersection of Main and North streets, but the vehicle was gone before police arrived.
- On Sept. 27, investigated a report of threatening behavior on North Street.
- On Sept. 28, investigated a report of fraud on West Street.
- On Oct. 1, investigated a loose dog complaint on Pleasant Street, but the dog had been returned to its owner prior to police arrival.
- On Oct. 1, helped a citizen with a possible fraud complaint on Drake Smith Road.
- On Oct. 1, helped someone with mental health concerns by giving them a ride home from West Street.
- On Oct. 2, responded to a parking problem on Prince Lane and issued a warning.
- On Oct. 2, investigated a report of theft from a bank account on Main Street.
- On Oct. 7, responded to a report of a two-car crash on Main Street, but the vehicles were gone before police arrived.
- On Oct. 8, helped someone on Garfield Street obtain mental health services.
- On Oct. 11, took a late report of a possible sex crime on Mountain Street and turned the information over to the Addison County Unit for Special Investigations.
- On Oct. 13, investigated a report of vandalism on Mountain Street.
- On Oct. 13, helped someone experiencing a mental health issue with a ride home from West Street.
- On Oct. 13, at around 11:50 p.m., responded to a complaint of loud music on Main Street and issued a warning.
- On Oct. 14, responded to a minor motor vehicle crash on Mountain Street.
- On Oct. 14, tried but were unable to locate someone on behalf of the Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations.
- On Oct. 14, helped find someone for a welfare check outside the district and forwarded information to the appropriate agency.
- On Oct. 14, investigated a violation of conditions of release case on West Street.
- On Oct. 14, responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Mountain Street, but the vehicle was gone before police arrived.
- On Oct. 15, completed an information request at the police station.
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