
Letter to the editor: Vote for Bristol solar array bond

I urge Middlebury voters to approve bonding to allow our town to participate in the Acorn Energy Cooperative’s Bristol Solar Array project. By investing in this solar array, the town of Middlebury will add up to 185 kW of renewable, carbon-free energy to its existing 153 kW of clean energy. The bond will fund the purchase of up to 460 units in the Bristol array, at a cost not to exceed $322,920.  Best of all, the solar energy produced by the array will realize electric savings to the town of at least $180,000 over 25 years. That’s savings over and above paying off the borrowing costs, meaning the bond will be paid off through energy savings, not property taxes.

As selectboard member Lindsey Fuentes-George said in support of the bond: “…I feel like the time to put our energy into solving the climate crisis was 10 years ago. Today is a great day.” Let’s seize this chance to take another step toward ensuring many more great days ahead.

John Barstow


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