Letter to the editor: Thomas would bring intelligence, diversity to board
I am writing a letter in support of Esther Thomas for the open Middlebury selectboard seat. Esther is a brilliant, organized and enthusiastic young woman who would be an asset to our town.
Vermont continues to face population declines for young adults and families with school age children. We need to develop creative solutions to ensure that our state is an attractive place to live for both young native Vermonters as well as younger transplants from other regions. As the ongoing school consolidation discussion illustrates, Vermont cannot continue down the path of losing young workers, college graduates, and new families. We need to increase the school-age population of our community and state.
One approach to accomplish this is to have a diversity of experiences and knowledge in our community leadership positions. We should listen to the generation with school-age kids and take heed of their suggestions. We can pay more attention to the folks that choose to move here and bring a fresh perspective. More diversity on our selectboard will help lead to new ideas and opportunities.
This is why I feel that my vote for Esther is important. Esther chose to move to Middlebury with her two young children. She is energetic and has already demonstrated her commitment to Middlebury through her involvement with the Middlebury Natural Foods Cooperative Board and the Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society. She is passionate about serving her community and working to make it a better place for all its residents.
Please join me in voting for Esther Thomas for Middlebury selectboard.
Chris Hammond
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