Letter to the editor: Proud Vermonter and Republican
Would love to respond to the letter from Bruce Acciavatti.
Bruce has it completely wrong when he states that the Republican Party is a threat to our way of life, freedom, rule of law, and decency. We all just watched our country burn down, cars set on fire, the American flag burned, our police attacked and shot just for wearing a blue uniform. This was all done by very dangerous Joe Biden supporters like Bruce. The cities with all of the violence over the summer and fall were all controlled by Democratic mayors that ordered the police to stand down and watch the city burn and stores be looted.
Our country will not come together under the leadership of a man that has spent 47 years in the “Washington Swamp” doing nothing but voting for wars and suppressing the black population so they could get a government hand-out instead of a job.
I am proud of being of being a native Vermonter that grew up on a dairy farm and learned what it is like to work hard for an honest paycheck.
So if I am one of Bruce’s 30% “Take Back Vermonter” that Hillary Clinton called a deplorable, smelly Walmart shopper, I am proud of it. I can only hope that he will not be needing any services that us good old Vermonters provide our neighbors.
I work hard as a retired person, cutting firewood, mowing, getting up at 4 a.m. during snowstorms to plow my neighbors driveways so they can get out to go work in the morning. I know most of them are Democrats and they know I am a Republican, but we have a working relationship. My son-in-law is a cop that I love and worry about because of the violence against police in this country. He is also the husband of my daughter and dad to my granddaughter so I will continue to support our police, defend my 2nd Amendment rights and pray for law and order in the U.S.A. If Bruce can’t stand that I defend America, maybe he should paddle his canoe north until he crosses the border, and stay there.
Stanley Bigelow
New Haven
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