Letter to the editor: Local man supports Trump despite opposition
Editor’s note: We are publishing this letter to the editor despite its many false statements and embrace of baseless conspiracy theories, and because it shows the thinking of an Addison County resident who has embraced those views. As the letter writer points out, the United States is divided, and our little part of the country is no exception; this letter should convince readers of that.
We don’t seek to embarrass Mr. Bartlett by publishing his name linked to these false and destructive conspiracy theories, in fact he seemed delighted when told we would publish his letter.
Typically, we would have returned the letter to the writer pointing out the false statements and asking the writer to demonstrate evidence of their truth or rewrite those statements. “Hunter Biden” and “nationwide election fraud” are phrases that are not used to pursue any legitimate complaint (both have been thoroughly debunked), but instead to whip up partisan frenzy. We make this exception because it serves our readers to know that some county residents share those views.
So, here we sit as divided as much as this country during the civil war. Half of the country ill informed because we no longer have a free press. For the last 4 years 95% of media coverage has been hate and lies about Trump. Recently Twitter and Facebook have been censoring conservative posts and even, New York Post and the President, Wheres Hunter?
It’s is estimated that Trump lost 8 million votes and Biden gained the same through election fraud nation wide!! Sidney and Ruddy will bring their case to the Supreme Court! If this case loses than we will have lost all pretense of fair future elections.
Thus Georgia Trumpers will stay home and not delay the inevitable! Ending the filibuster, packing the court, adding two states with 4 democratic senators and never losing another election! We have lost the first amendment. Let’s see how they do abolishing the 2nd. Could get a little messy don’t you think!
Josiah Bartlett
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