
Bristol Police Log for Oct. 22

BRISTOL — Between Sept. 14 and 26 Bristol police were kept busy with a number of citizen disputes.
Of the six occasions police responded during that period, one was a disagreement over garbage container use, one was a disagreement over property control and a third turned out to be civil in nature. In all but one of the disputes, police determined that no action rose to the level of an offense. A sixth case, of unspecified nature, is still under investigation.
During that same period Bristol police completed 20 foot patrols and five car patrols in various parts of town, some of which were part of the Governor’s Highway Safety Program. Officers checked security at Mount Abraham Union High School 12 times, at Bristol Elementary School five times, and at local businesses 10 times; conducted one welfare check without incident; completed at least 10 fingerprint requests; and facilitated the return of one lost wallet.
The department also assisted Bristol Rescue twice and Vermont State Police twice.
In other recent activity, Bristol police:
•  On Sept. 16 responded to a motor vehicle complaint in the Shaw’s parking lot and determined that the driver was learning to drive a stick shift and there were no violations.
•  On Sept. 16 issued municipal violations for failing to license dogs.
•  On Sept. 17 investigated a report from a driver who said rain was causing the center lane paint on River Road to run across the travel lane and splatter vehicles.
•  On Sept. 18 warned a resident whose dog was loose and causing problems.
•  On Sept. 19 helped a parent locate a child who had left without informing the parent, and discussed with the child the consequences of such actions.
•  On Sept. 21 tried but failed to catch a loose dog in the area of Stoney Hill and Lovers Lane.
•  On Sept. 22 investigated a report of an abandoned vehicle, which appeared disabled, and left a message for the owner to contact police.
•  On Sept. 22 investigated a report of property damage caused by a motor vehicle crash and will file a report.
•  On Sept. 23 investigated a suspicious complaint but could not locate the person in question.
•  On Sept. 25 began investigating a theft complaint.

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