
Letter to the editor: Note to GOP candidates: Masks protect constituents

I read with interest the biographies of the Republican candidates for Vermont Senate from Addison County, Jon Christiano and Peter Briggs. I have one point that I believe is worth discussing and that is the wearing of masks during our current epidemic. It should be noted that I wear a mask, not only to protect me, but also to protect you. This has been verified by several scientific studies. So when you do not wear a mask, it has almost no significant impact on you, but increases the danger to me. 
I have been told by a non-mask wearing person that it was fine; they were not sick. How do they know? Have they been tested on that day? If they have been tested on any other day, that tells their status on the test day only, not the current day. But they have no symptoms? Many people have no symptoms, but are sick with the virus. So, in my opinion, when you do not wear a mask, you are endangering me and being inconsiderate and selfish. You are doing what you want and are not concerned about the effect on me. Please, learn the facts and then, I think, you might be more willing to voluntarily wear a mask.
Oh, and while discussing the right for independent choices, would that not mean that a business owner/manager should have the choice to require business patrons to wear masks? And, when conflicting rights exist, whose rights should have priority? The business owners or yours?
Holly Puterbaugh

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