Letter to the editor: Brandon-area rep excelled during her first term
I am encouraging my fellow voters in Brandon, Sudbury and Pittsford to cast one of their two votes for State Representative for Stephanie Jerome when you submit your November ballot.
Stephanie has been a quick study during her first term in Montpelier, — definitely serving our three towns, and all of Vermont, well. As the campaign manager for Brandon’s former Representative Joe Acinapura, I know how overwhelming the first term can be. Stephanie took it in stride and excelled.
We are lucky to have her energy on the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development, where she serves as the clerk, as well as being appointed to the new Joint Small Business Solutions Task Force. As a small business owner herself, she knows how important our businesses are for thriving communities.
During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic Stephanie led a team of 25 legislators to work through the issues of obtaining Unemployment Insurance benefits for Vermonters, working hand-in-hand with the Department of Labor, fellow legislators and constituents to get the much-needed funds to Vermonters.
She works diligently for us throughout the year — not just while the legislature is in session. She is responsive to the needs of her constituents, making herself available in each town three out of four weekends per month. She responds to inquiries in a timely manner and gets the answers to questions.
I will proudly cast my vote for Stephanie Jerome for Vermont House Representative for Brandon, Pittsford and Sudbury this November and hope you will two.
Mei Mei (Carmelita) Brown
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