
Letter to the editor: Four city council candidates ask for your vote

With the Vergennes City Council Special Election on Tuesday, Sept. 22, we don’t have time to waste. We’re Ian Huizenga, David Small, Dickie Austin and Jill Murray-Killon, and we hope you’ll vote for us in the Special Election.
The last few months have been challenging for the entire Vergennes community. Lately, some residents have lost confidence in our city’s governance and management.
We believe we can repair fractures, welcome change, and restore trust to create a vibrant future for everyone in Vergennes.
While we each bring different views and roles to the table, we share attributes that are representative of the whole community.
Some of us are parents, some are long-time residents and some are newer to town. We are community board members and volunteers. One of us is a business owner, and some are employees of local businesses. We are homeowners, and we are renters. One of us has served on the City Council with all the current councilors.
What’s most important is that we share a vision for Vergennes. We believe in:
•  Responsible and transparent governance.
•  Making Vergennes welcoming to young people, families, and a more diverse population. We want people of all backgrounds to grow roots here.
•  Increased housing opportunities for an expanding tax base and a range of rentals for a diverse and inclusive community. We want a home for Vergennes residents at every stage of life.
•  Community involved policing.
•  Moving forward with Vergennes Economic Corridor.
•  Municipal partnerships with surrounding towns (including finalizing the border disputes).
•  Continuing to enhance our antiquated storm water/sewer system.
We are heartened that four individuals who didn’t know each other well can sit down together and discuss important city issues. We believe we can bring that same level of collaboration and trust to City Council.
We’ve also been so lucky for the grassroots, volunteer-led effort inspired by our vision for Vergennes. Neighbors from all over the community have been volunteering their time and talents in making sure voters know who we are. This election is incredibly important, and we want the voters to know we are serious and organized when it comes to caring for Vergennes.
Vergennes neighbors, we hope you will consider voting for us on Tuesday, Sept. 22, in the Vergennes City Council Special Election. You can learn more about us at littlecitybigfuture.com.
You can find out how to vote by contacting the Vergennes City Clerk at [email protected] or 802-877-2841.
Ian Huizenga, 6-month term
David Small, 6-month term
Dickie Austin, 18-month term
Jill Murray-Killon, 18-month term. 
David Small
Ian Huizenga
Dickie Austin and
Jill Murray-Killon

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