
Letter to the editor: Biden, please give us a team of ‘rivals’

An open letter to Joe Biden from a multi-generation Vermonter:
Mr. Biden, it appears you will be chosen over our adopted son, Bernie. It also appears you are not as ignorant of history as the current man in the White House. Given these two facts, I hope you can recall how our country was saved during the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln gathering a team of rivals around him. Then our world was very likely saved in the WWII by Winston Churchill putting together a team of rivals in his government. Today, Democracy and decency need to be saved in our country, maybe even in the whole world.
In the New York Times of Feb. 25, Tom Friedman outlines a great team for you to gather around you. I am an old white guy who begs you — pleasefollow Mr. Friedman’s advice — give us this team of rivals — the whole team — Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Mayor Pete, Tom Steyer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Andrew Yang, Michael Bloomberg, Senator Michael Bennet, Congressman Ro Khanna, Admiral William H. McRaven, and Mitt Romney. Our country, our world, and your election need it.
I fear for our country if you don’t do this, even if you win. I also fear you could end up just another old white guy, even considered a BAT (Bad as Trump). I am not on social media so cannot convey this to you through that, but if others agree, please feel free to do so.
Cliff Adams

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