Poetry: Everyone in the world
I could be thinking of almost anyone
Today it’s the midfielder who has to say
Goodbye to his teammates, without
Having played half of the season.
Who has to wave a virtual farewell.
Without a high-five. Touching
Sticks at the end of a game. A sign
That means more today, when these
College men can’t shake hands.
Won’t be able to go to the goal again
Anytime soon. Of course this is only a
small example. And not to be compared
To a country on lockdown. Everyone
In the world doing what they can to stop
The contagion. And not pretend the infection
Doesn’t affect them too. That we aren’t
One world. One love. As Bob Marley sang.
In the last century. Our braided Rafa-man.
Jammin to keep the bad spirits away.
To keep us happy remembering
Another day. A field. A stadium
Where we could still gather to watch
A game, without feeling so anxious.
Without worrying more than we’re
Used to. Our human way of being.
At a distance, close enough
To waving goodbye.
— Gary Margolis, Cornwall
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