
Learn the art of pruning apple trees

AFTER LEARNING TECHNIQUES participants get to try their hand at releasing and pruning an apple tree at a Vermont Coverts-sponsored workshop on Saturday, March 14, from 9 a.m. to noon, at 1118 Buffalo Farm Road in Granville

GRANVILLE — Apple trees are an important food resource for many different species of wildlife. The best way to improve productivity of apple trees is to provide for direct sunlight. On Saturday, March 14, from 9 a.m. to noon, at 1118 Buffalo Farm Road in Granville, there will be a free workshop focusing on the art and science of releasing and pruning apple trees.
Apple trees are a great source of food for a variety of wildlife species. They grow best in full sunlight. As the forest matures around the apple trees, they become shaded, lose their vigor and produce fewer apples. Apple trees can also ‘crowd’ themselves as internal branches compete for space, which also limits fruit production.
Join Coverts cooperator and landowner Tracy Winn, Biologist Matt DiBona and Forester Nick Smith for a hands-on workshop to learn about and try simple techniques for pruning and releasing apple trees. Find out which tools to use, how much to prune, how and where to make the pruning cuts, and when it should be done. Bring along pruning saw, loppers and clippers to try a hand at making some cuts. Anyone operating a chainsaw must have the proper safety equipment.
If you are interested in learning to improve the fruiting of the apple trees on your property this is the place for you to be. Dress for the weather, as the workshop will be outdoors. It is free and open to the public. This workshop is sponsored by Vermont Coverts: Woodlands for Wildlife and the National Wild Turkey Federation. Registration is not required but requested. For more information or directions contact Lisa Sausville at [email protected] or by calling 802-877-2777.

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