
Jan. 22 party will benefit Trent Campbell


MIDDLEBURY — The Addison County Independent and two local bands are teaming up to assist a colleague as he recovers from a medical crisis — and throw a mid-winter dance party at the Marquis Theater in Middlebury for everyone to enjoy.
Award-winning photographer Trent Campbell and his wife Nikki Juvan have been hit with big medical bills after Campbell suffered a series of strokes in late 2018 and early 2019. Those bills, coupled with the loss of Campbell’s income for more than a year, have created a financial crisis for the couple.
To lend a hand, Campbell’s colleagues at the Addison County Independent, where he worked for more than 25 years, are organizing the TrentTown Rock concert on Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 7-10 p.m. at the Marquis Theater in downtown Middlebury. Popular local band The Grift will headline, with another local band, The Silverbacks, also performing. There will be a raffle with ski passes and restaurant gift certificates as prizes.
Several of Campbell’s framed photographs of iconic Addison County scenery will also be sold by silent auction. The public is invited to attend. Admission will be by donations at the door.
 “Trent has been the eyes of Addison County for more two decades,” said publisher Angelo Lynn. “His pictures have often told the story of this area in ways the written word never could. This is our chance to show him how much he is appreciated, not just by his friends and colleagues at the paper, but by the greater community.”
Lynn offered special thanks to the Marquis Theater for hosting the event as a benefit for Campbell and to friends at The Grift for donating their time and amazing music.
“For the past 20-plus years, The Grift has electrified audiences throughout Vermont and on a world tour, and to have them jump at the chance to help Trent and Nikki at this time is an amazing gift and it will make it a terrific dance party, which is an important part of the event,” Lynn said. “This is not a somber affair, but a party to break up the winter’s cold, celebrate community, help a comrade and have a great time.
“We hope everyone who’s ever seen Trent at a community event, covering high school sports, taking pictures of community or school plays and programs, personal profiles or just who appreciated his photography in the paper will join us in lending a hand.”

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