
Letter to the editor: Vermont must not resell confiscated firearms

I am astounded and horrified to hear that confiscated guns are being sold back into society in Vermont.
We have an immediate and serious problem with guns, and the government is selling them! The article in the Oct. 30 Seven Days newspaper states that one of the reasons for these sales is a concern that law enforcement officials will hesitate to confiscate guns from those cited or arrested for domestic  abuse because there isn’t anywhere to put them. (This action is possible because of a recently passed law.) In order to make space for confiscated guns to be stored, we are selling guns to gun dealers who could be unwittingly selling them to other people who shouldn’t have them. It just doesn’t make any sense. And is completely irresponsible.
Our state government should be working to reduce the number of guns out there — not selling them. Just destroy them. I am fed up with the cavalier attitude toward weapons, while children in school are trained in what to do if a shooter shows up in their school. This is unconscionable. Guns kill people. These sales should be stopped immediately.
Deborah Young
New Haven

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