Bristol Police Log for Oct. 31
BRISTOL — On Oct. 5 at 9:37 a.m., the Bristol Police Department responded to a report of a burglary on West Street. The person leaving the residence was described as a white male, approximately five feet tall, wearing medium to dark clothing and possibly a hat, and was reported to have been walking toward Main Street.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call Bristol police at 453-2533.
Between Sept. 30 and Oct. 20 Bristol police completed 29 foot patrols and more than eight hours of car patrols in various parts of town, some of which were part of the Governor’s Highway Safety Program. Officers checked security at Mount Abraham Union High School 18 times; conducted 18 business checks; processed at least 18 requests for fingerprints; and facilitated the return of five dogs, three wallets, one cellphone and other property items to their owners.
The department also assisted Vermont State Police four times, the Bristol Fire Department twice and Bristol Rescue once.
In other recent activity, Bristol police:
• On Sept. 30 helped parents locate a child who was late arriving home.
• On Oct. 1 helped a parent with a truancy issue, which was resolved through discussion.
• On Oct. 1 helped someone get medical assistance.
• On Oct. 2 answered a citizen-assist call, determined it to be a civil issue and directed the citizen to the appropriate agency.
• On Oct. 2 participated in a safety presentation with Beeman Elementary School students.
• On Oct. 2 served a notice against trespass.
• On Oct. 5 helped someone who had wandered away from an assisted living facility.
• On Oct. 6 responded to a motor vehicle complaint, located the vehicle and spoke to the driver.
• On Oct. 6 began investigating a citizen dispute.
• On Oct. 7 gave instructions on the proper installation of a child passenger seat.
• On Oct. 8 helped someone gain entry into a locked vehicle.
• On Oct. 8 responded to a two-car motor vehicle crash on West Street and will complete a report.
• On Oct. 8 checked on the welfare of a citizen and observed no issues or concerns.
• On Oct. 9 helped resolve a disagreement between a juvenile and an adult.
• On Oct. 9 helped a parent locate a child.
• On Oct. 10 recovered found property, a small gas tank. The owner can contact Bristol police at 453-2533 to claim it.
• On Oct. 10 began investigating a report of theft from a motor vehicle.
• On Oct. 12 participated in the Bristol Fire Department’s First Responder Day.
• On Oct. 12 began investigating a report of vandalism to a vehicle.
• On Oct. 13 received a call from someone who reported being followed home and determined that the timing of the vehicle passing by was coincidental and that no offense was committed.
• On Oct. 14 responded to a family dispute. Investigation continuing.
• On Oct. 15 helped someone with a civil dog complaint, completed paperwork and forwarded it to the town office.
• On Oct. 15 helped someone with transportation after they missed their ride.
• On Oct. 15 responded to a suspicious vehicle complaint and contacted the owner, who returned to move the vehicle.
• On Oct. 16 received a complaint about aggressive driving, located the vehicle and issued a warning to the driver.
• On Oct. 16 started a property watch for a local resident.
• On Oct. 16 began investigating a vandalism complaint.
• On Oct. 16 received a report of possible theft from a parked vehicle, but the car and person were gone upon arrival and no evidence of a crime was found.
• On Oct. 17 deployed traffic cones in the area of 300 Route 116 South to alert motorists to water flowing across the roadway.
• On Oct. 19, at 3:43 p.m., received a tip from a motorist that their vehicle had been struck while parked in the Prince Lane parking lot. A report is forthcoming.
• On Oct. 19 began investigating a vandalism complaint.
• On Oct. 20 responded to a family fight and discovered a loud disagreement between a parent and a child, but determined that no action rose to the level of an offense.
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