
Letter to the editor: Middlebury’s Block Party was another great success

Middlebury Downtown Block Party 2019 Photo by Jason Duquette Hoffman

Wow! What a fantastic block party downtown Aug. 14. Neighbors, Together, along with our partners, and especially Better Middlebury Partnership wish to give special recognition to Karen Duguay who was the chief organizer. Great job, Karen, especially with the weather. Perfect!
In addition to the Agency of Transportation, our funding source, we would like to thank the many other volunteers who did face painting, handed out free food, made balloon animals, watched play areas, volunteered for the “dunk tank,” organized the raffle, and helped roll sod and clean up the road, just to name a few of the jobs done during set up, clean up and during the actual Block Party. We are fortunate to live in a community where people pitch in!
In case you don’t know, Neighbors, Together is a group of independent citizens and other local stakeholders — St. Stephen’s Church, National Bank of Middlebury, Better Middlebury Partnership, Porter Medical Center, Town Hall Theater, Isley Library, town of Middlebury, Middlebury College, Addison Central School District, Addison County Transit Resources, Middlebury Recreation Department, Downtown Improvement District and the Addison County Chamber of Commerce. Our mission is to help Middlebury maintain economic and cultural vitality during construction downtown this year and next and mitigate the negative effects of the bridge and rail project. Stay tuned for much more to come.
Nancy Malcolm and Linda Horn
Co-chairs, Neighbors, Together

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