Letter to the editor: Bristol-area first responders earn compliments
Recently my wife and I were abruptly reminded why we are blessed to live in Addison County. On a sunny July Sunday afternoon returning from the Champlain Islands we were driving on Monkton Road in Bristol and struck a deer. Everything happened instantaneously and immediately airbags had deployed and we were off the road. And I realize in describing this incident that many Vermonters have had similar experiences.
What unfolded over the next hour, however, was a new experience for us and a real celebration of our neighbors. The car behind us (and two bicyclists) stopped and assisted us in calling 911, which triggered the arrival of the state police, the Bristol Fire Department and Bristol Rescue Squad. While my wife and I were shaken, we were not injured, but everyone we encountered who became unplanned participants in our accident were exemplary. Bristol Rescue made sure we had not been injured; Brett LaRose, chief of the Bristol Fire Department, and his fellow fireman, made sure the car would not catch on fire; and Adria Pickin, trooper with the Vermont State Police, made sure all the required steps regarding safety, incident reporting, and towing were handled professionally.
A few hours later we were home and able to reflect on the events of the day. What stands out for us is how lucky we are to live in such a responsive community. Vermont is a special place and although we remind ourselves of this every day, it sometimes takes events such as accidents to drive the point home. We should all be thankful for our fellow Vermonters who are consummate professionals in what they do — either as members of our volunteer rescue squads and fire departments, or as members of our outstanding state police –– all of whom help to make Vermont a better place.
Richard and Barbara Saunders
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