
Middlebury Police Log: Orwell man cited for fifth DUI

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Peter Pfenning, 56, of Orwell for driving under the influence (fifth offense), in the Bakery Lane area on July 26. Police said they measured Pfenning’s blood-alcohol content at 0.208 percent; the legal limit for driving is 0.08 percent.
Pfenning was lodged that evening at the Marble Valley Correctional Center for lack of bail, according to police.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Assisted a local resident whose bank account had been hacked on July 22.
• Served a no-trespass order on July 22 on a man who wasn’t wanted at the Dunkin Donuts store on Court Street.
• Were informed someone forced their way into a car parked off Mill Street on July 22 and stole some documents.
• Assisted a driver who had pulled off Route 7 North in order to avoid an ambulance on July 23.
• Served a temporary restraining order on a local man on July 23.
• Continued their investigation on July 23 into the potential sexual abuse of a juvenile in the Burnham Drive area.
• Investigated a possible child-abuse case at a Woodbridge Lane home on July 23.
• Were informed of the theft of a cell phone from the town park gazebo on July 23.
• Warned a man who had attempted to enter an Exchange Street business to sleep overnight on July 23.
• Responded to a verbal argument between some people at a Case Street home on July 24.
• Investigated a report of a drunken guest at the Middlebury Inn on July 24.  Police took the guest into protective custody.
• Served a no-stalking order on a local woman on July 24.
• Officers spoke with two people about being in the town park gazebo after hours on July 24.
• Investigated a report of a fight near Otter Creek off Maple Street on July 25. Police confirmed a scuffle had taken place, though they made no arrests.
• Took a drunken person to Porter Hospital on July 25 to meet with Counseling Service of Addison County officials.
• Checked on the welfare of a Cross Street resident on July 25 after she had allegedly written some texts alluding to self-harm.
• Responded to a report of a bear in a Dumpster at the Sugarwood Court apartments on July 25. Police found no bear and made sure the Dumpster was closed.
• Cited Quinn Trabulsy, 22, of Colchester for driving under the influence, following a one-vehicle crash on Three Mile Bridge Road on July 26. Police said Trabulsy declined to submit to a breathalyzer test.
• Responded to a report of a woman refusing to leave the Maplefields Store on Route 7 on July 26. Police said the woman agreed to move to another location while waiting for a friend to pick her up.
• Cited Marsha Barber, 60, of Vergennes for retail theft, following an incident at Hannaford Supermarket on July 26.
• Investigated a report of a trespasser living on private property in East Middlebury on July 26.
• Served temporary no-stalking orders on two people in the Maple Street area on July 26.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with an uncooperative man at an Eastview Terrace home on July 27.
• Responded to a report of cows blocking School House Hill Road on July 27.
• Warned a man about public drinking and hanging out on the town green after hours at around 1:40 a.m. on July 27.
• Responded to a report of underage drinking in the town park gazebo on July 28.
• Cautioned a man on July 28 who had purchased a vehicle and was still using the original owner’s license plates.
• Assisted Middlebury firefighters and other first responders in rescuing a springer spaniel dog that had become stranded in the Otter Creek off Creek Road on July 28.
• Responded to a report of a gunshot in the Court Street area on July 29. Police found no evidence of trouble.

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