
VUHS names valedictorian, salutatorian

VERGENNES — The Vergennes Union High School 2019 Commencement exercises will be held this Friday, June 14. VUHS has announced that Bess Gramling, daughter of Phillip and Julie Gramling, has earned the honor of being Valedictorian of the Class of 2019. Bess will be attending Middlebury College and studying Biology/Pre-medical studies.
Bess has taken advantage of many opportunities for learning while a student at VUHS. She has challenged herself with Advanced Placement classes such as AP Language and Composition and AP Biology along with other rigorous college preparatory coursework. Additionally, she successfully completed two Dual Enrollment (college) classes: Health and Medicine Academy at the University of Vermont and Pre-Calculus.
No ‘one-trick pony,’ Bess is an accomplished musician and athlete. She participated in the VUHS Symphonic Band and Concert Choir throughout her time there and earned a seat with our elite Commodore Jazz Ensemble and the Commodore Singers. She competed with the indoor track and track and field squads, participated in the annual musical productions, is a member in good standing of VUHS’s National Honor Society, and will graduate with honors.
Madeline, “Maddy”, Smith, (pictured, right) daughter of Andy and Teresa Smith, has been named Salutatorian of the Class of 2019.
Maddy plans to attend the College of Charleston and to study Theater. Conscientiousness and dedication to learning are Maddy’s claims to fame at VUHS, along with her love of theater and music. Maddy’s pursuit of excellence led her to enroll in Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment (college) coursework and she rose to each challenge set before her. She also elected to concurrently enroll in the Addison Repertory Theater program at the Patricia Hannaford Career Center, where she earned the Most Outstanding Student award.
Additionally, Maddy has been recognized by VUHS faculty for, “Most Outstanding Achievement” in Spanish, Concert Choir, and Jazz Band. She is a member of the VUHS chapter of the National Honor Society and the PHCC National Technical Honor Society, and will graduate with honors.
Along with her academic accolades Maddy is active in extracurricular endeavors such as student council, the annual VUHS musical production, dance and voice lessons, and Flynn Youth Theater.
Both Gramling and Smith will address their fellow graduates at commencement ceremonies.

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