Arts & Leisure
Pet of the week: Pee Wee
Pee Wee is an 8-year-old pony owned by Ellie Visser and her family. She loves to eat anything she can get ahold of — including pumpkins, acorn squash and candy canes. She loves to pull a cart and spends many summer days giving rides around our field. She is showed by Ellie and her siblings at horse shows and gymkhanas during the summer. Pee Wee also enjoys sightseeing and visiting places like Goodies’s for ice cream in the summer. She recently visited a local Tractor Supply Company as part of Paper Clover Days for 4H. Her favorite part was sniffing around inside of the store at all the pet food. She spends most of her day munching on homegrown hay with her big sister, Dakota (a Quarter Horse).
Ruth Visser
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