Note of appreciation: Quarry Hill is thankful for support
Quarry Hill School would like to acknowledge the sponsors who helped make our annual ski race, The Iguana Cup Challenge. The March 17 event at the Middlebury College Snow Bowl was a huge fundraising success this year.
Thank you for your generous support: Addison County Dairy Consulting, American Flatbread Middlebury Hearth, Basin Reclaimed, Bee’s Wrap, Daly Dental Practice, Danforth Pewter, Green Peppers, Laberge Insurance, Little Pressroom and Middlebury College Snow Bowl. And also Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op, Middlebury Ski Club, Monument Farms, Multi Builders, Murphy Landscape Design and Siteworks, National Bank of Middlebury, Parlour, Rainbow Pediatrics, Rotary Club, Taekwondo K.I.C.K.S. and The Richards Group.
And a big thank you to all of our friends and families for their hard work and participation as well.
Su White, Director
Quarry Hill School
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