Letter to the editor: Many helped Leicester Green Up
We would like to thank all the people who turned out this year to make Green Up so successful. When the snow finally melted, the roadsides looked ghastly! It didn’t seem like we could get it all done. Volunteers from Salisbury, Leicester, and Brandon crossed town and county lines to make sure Route 53 was covered for its entire length.
Many participants greened up on more than one day all over the area to make sure out-of-the-way and thinly populated spots got attention. We also had the assistance of the Odyssey of the Mind students who made this into a fundraiser for their organization. The Lake Dunmore/Fern Lake Association helped publicize the need for extra volunteers. The Addison County Solid Waste Management District found us extra bags when we ran out.
Once again, local businesses/residents contributed to the cook-out hosted by the Leicester Historical Society, at the Leicester town buildings. And thank you Mother Nature for a beautiful day on May 5.
Litter begets litter. If we do “mini” green ups throughout the summer and fall, it may not be so daunting next year and the leaf-peeping season will be even more beautiful.
Finally, thank you to everyone who never litters and teaches the next generation to cherish the land (participating in Green Up is a great way to do that). They are the vast majority of Vermonters. See you next year if not sooner.
Kate Briggs
Diane Benware
Leicester Green Up Coordinators
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