Letter to the editor: Baser is proven leader and has earned a second term
What makes someone a good state representative? A person that listens, thinks, uses common sense, asks questions and works collaboratively with other members. Fred Baser possesses those traits. During Fred’s first term in the legislature he put forward a meaningful bill that would advance construction of workforce housing that is badly needed in our region and it gained bipartisan support.
As a co-founder of the Addison County Economic Development Corporation, Fred knows the importance of growing our tax base by creating jobs, as well as creating a healthy business atmosphere.
Over the past 30 years Fred has been a leader in Bristol and Addison County serving on numerous local and county school, hospital, United Way, Habitat for Humanity board, plus filling several civic and St. Ambrose Catholic Church leadership positions.
As a longtime financial planner in Vermont, Fred knows the challenges of families and small businesses. This gives him a unique perspective when evaluating legislative initiatives that impact our people.
With all of the above traits and experiences Fred Baser bring a lot to the legislative table in continuing to make Vermont a great state in which to live and work. We need to re-elect Fred to the Vermont House of Representatives.
Joe Devall