ANWSD budget wins big on third attempt

In high turnout, residents of the Addison Northwest School District on Tuesday strongly backed the school board’s third proposed budget of the spring. 

Mt. Abe students rally around their teachers

In the wake of two failed budget votes, students in the Mount Abraham Unified School District are asking district officials to protect educators from potential cuts as they draft a third spending proposal to put before voters. 

Orwell voters field third Slate Valley budget on May 9

Orwell residents will join neighboring towns in Rutland County in making a trip to the polls on Thursday, May 9, to take a third crack at passing a fiscal year 2025 spending plan for the Slate Valley Unified Union School District (SVUUSD).

MAUSD delays budget decisions

The Mount Abraham Unified School District board on Tuesday determined it needs to gather more information and hear from the community before drafting a third budget proposal to put before district voters. 

Editorial: SVUUSD faces double jeopardy

Residents of the Slate Valley Unified Union School District, which serves Orwell and the northwestern part of Rutland County, face tough sledding in getting its school budget passed on a third attempt next Thursday, May 9.

Otter Valley budget defeated again

Voters in the Brandon area on Tuesday got a second chance to approve a fiscal year 2025 spending plan for the Otter Valley Unified Union schools. They said, no thank you.

Voters finally approve ANWSD budget

After rejecting two budget proposals since Town Meeting Day in March, Addison Northwest School District residents on Tuesday approved proposed spending for the 2024-2025 school year, 1346 to 932 votes.

College students give youngsters a global perspective

Looking back on her time at Mount Abraham Union High School, there’s a learning experience 2022 graduate Anna Doucet found to be particularly impactful: visits from presenters involved in the Language in Motion program at Middlebury College. 

ACSD now must find three new principals

Heather Raabe, principal of Cornwall’s Bingham Memorial Elementary School, has confirmed she’ll be stepping down at the end of this academic year.

Despite revisions, Slate Valley school budget defeated

Following the second rejection of a spending plan for the school district that serves Orwell late last week, officials hope to float a third spending proposal next month.

Letter to the editor: With school budget stories, financial context matters

I disagree with April 11th’s editorial suggesting that school budgets were voted down because they were presented to voters too late.

Mount Abe school budget fails at ballot box again (UPDATED)

Voters in the Mount Abraham Unified School District on Tuesday defeated a proposed $35.9 million spending plan by 57 votes.

MAUSD voters will field new budget on Tuesday

Voters in the Mount Abraham Unified School District on Tuesday will head back to the polls to weigh in on a revised district spending plan for fiscal year 2025. 

ANWSD reduces spending, sets vote

After a challenging discussion about what spending cuts could mean to students and what level of spending might be acceptable to voters who have already defeated two budget proposals, the Addison Northwest School District Board on Monday voted to advance … (read more)

Weis tapped to lead Robinson Elementary

Starksboro’s Robinson Elementary School will welcome a new principal in July.