Zig Zag Lit Mag to hold release party

Zig Zag Lit Mag will hold its Issue.14 Release Party on Sunday, March 26, from 2-4 p.m., at Tourterelle in New Haven.

Zig Zag celebrates the release of Issue.13

Zig Zag celebrates its seventh year serving the Addison County community by hosting a release party at the Willowell Foundation on Sept. 18, at 2 p.m. 

Submit to the next issue of Zig Zag Lit Mag

Those who live, labor or loiter (very loose definition) in Addison County are welcome to submit up to three pieces of writing and/or art to Zig Zag Lit Mag’s Issue.12.

Zig Zag Lit Mag is open for submissions

The folks behind Zig Zag Lit Mag would like to remind you that this could be your last, best chance to accomplish something SMART™ with your quarantine. Specifically — accepting writing (fiction, nonfiction, dramatic forms, poetry, et. al; any genre, any … (read more)