Seniors unite on the road — at last

VERGENNES — It came half a year after originally scheduled, but the Vergennes Union High School Class of 2021 upheld a cherished tradition on Monday — its annual senior fundraising walkathon and visit to their former elementary school.Blessed with sunshine and temperatures in the 60s and 70s, more than 60 of the class’s 103 members walked from VUHS to Ferrisburgh Central and Vergennes Union Elementary schools and back. The walk and their fundraising efforts raised close to $5,000 for the Alzheimer’s Associa … (read more)

Walk-a-thon in Bristol to benefit Haiti

BRISTOL — An effort to raise funds for L’Orphelinat Notre-Dame du Perpetuel Secours, an orphanage in Haiti, will take place Saturday, June 26, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Bristol. The 4th Annual “Raise A Child in Haiti” Walk-A-Thon will commence on the Bri … (read more)

Bristol walk-a-thon to raise funds for Haiti

BRISTOL — Karen Wheeler of Bristol and Patrice Wassmann of Lincoln will host a walk-a-thon in Bristol this Saturday, July 13, as part of their ongoing efforts to raise money for a Haitian orphanage. Like the rest of Haiti, L’Orphelinat Notre-Dame de Perpe … (read more)