Vermonters on Vacation: Joseph Battell’s travels

August is traditionally vacation month, but many of us will not be traveling this year. The following article explores how Vermonters of the 19th and early 20th centuries travelled to places far and near and is based on the archival collections found in the Sheldon Museum’s Stewart-Swift Research Center. Joseph Battell loved to travel. The wealthy conservationist, philanthropist, lover of Morgan horses, enemy of automobiles, newspaper editor and eccentric owner of the Bread Loaf Inn, was born in 1839 to a p … (read more)

Vermonters on vacation: An American Tyrol

August is traditionally vacation month, but many of us will not be traveling this year. The following article explores how Vermonters of the 19th and early 20th centuries travelled to places far and near and is based on the archival collections found in t … (read more)

Vermonters on Vacation: When the leisure industry was young

August is traditionally vacation month, but many of us will not be traveling this year. The following article explores how Vermonters of the 19th and early 20th centuries traveled to places far and near and is based on the archival collections found in th … (read more)