Letter to the editor: Noble, Conlon have background for ACSD board

To all: Please vote for school board members on March 2nd either by mail or in person. Next to food and safety, education is the most important gift we can give the youngsters of our towns. To me a good education should provide each student the skills to become a secure, self-confident and productive adult in whatever area is chosen. My personal “sell by” date as far as having children in the school system is long past and like many without kids in school I’ve taken much for granted. No more. During my sing … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Children are first priority

No. No, and no again. I write in defense of my fellow Addison Central School District board members, who are much more diplomatic and polite than I am. Contrary to what John Freidin has written in this paper and on Front Porch Forum — cutting the school b … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Midd. flower globes are appreciated

The Honorable Golden Trowel and Green and Purple Thumb Award to the person(s) responsible for the incredibly wonderful flower globes that hang throughout Middlebury’s downtown! Many Thanks!   Peg Martin Middlebury