Letter to the editor: County should return its two Senate incumbents

The Primary Election is next week, when Vermont citizens have the opportunity to begin to select the folks who will lead us for the next two years. Addison County has greatly benefited from the leadership, knowledge and hard work of our two dedicated senators, Chris Bray and Ruth Hardy.

Letter to the editor: Why our town meetings matter

Another Town Meeting Day has come and gone, accompanied by not only praise for a tradition handed down over multiple generations, but also questions about the viability and future of an institution which some would say has outlived its usefulness.

Letter to the editor: Time is now for action on Affordable Heating Act

I read with dismay in the most recent edition of the Independent that the Affordable Heating Act, S.5, has been put on hold, and will become another study for the two years, of what to do to address climate change.

Letter to the editor: Lawton launched water sampling

I am writing to thank the Addison Independent and Marin Howell on a generous article regarding my involvement and retirement from Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative. 

River Watch founder reflects on growth of the organization

When Martha “Heidi” Willis began sampling Addison County rivers during the early 1990s, she was part of county-wide efforts to monitor the health of local watersheds that were largely limited to a handful of untrained volunteers conducting water quality t … (read more)

Letter to the editor: ICAN urges an end to injustice

We, the members of the Interfaith Climate Action Network of Addison County (ICAN), were saddened to learn from a recent Human Rights Commission report of the discrimination, based on race and gender, enacted against Dr. Lydia Clemmons, director of the Cle … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Battery-powered lawn care can make a difference

The season of green and growing grass and lawn care is here and I am joining the chorus in praise of battery-powered electric lawn care equipment!I recently purchased a new mower, which has improved my lawn care, and will also help to improve the life of … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Better to shape change than to react to it

Change is a natural condition of life, but it seems to me that the social and environmental changes we are confronting currently are huge and out of the ordinary. School structure and consolidation, population changes, and the impacts of climate change ar … (read more)