Ways of Seeing: Thankful for wheel of dark and light

Well, it happened again. Sunday night it started raining and just kept on.

Bristol explores Briggs Hill Road fix

This winter, Bristol officials will continue to monitor a stretch of Briggs Hill Road that was considerably damaged by heavy rains this summer. 

Matthew Dickerson: River surveys suggests damage to fisheries done by floods

“It was comparable to Tropical Storm Irene. We lost a lot (though not all) of the young-of-year age class.” Austin Galinat, a fisheries scientist with Vermont Fish and Wildlife, was giving me an overview of some of the results of the late summer and early … (read more)

More flood relief funds available

The Vermont Community Foundation has awarded another $2,359,846 in flood recovery and relief grants across the state, including $418,500 in grants made directly to farmers under the Farm Disaster Relief Grant Program.

Biden designates Aug. 4 Addison County flooding an official federal disaster

New federal funding is available to cover public expenses prompted by flooding this August 3 and 4 in Addison County.

Gov. Scott seeks federal disaster money for Addison County

Local towns may get federal money to pay for more than a million dollars in cleanup and repair from Aug. 3-4 rainstorms in Addison County if a disaster declaration is delcared.

Flood-damaged TAM needs repair

Most segments of the 16-mile hiking loop, which is maintained by Middlebury Area Land Trust, are worse for wear since the deluge, but two areas in particular require serious repair.

A colossal culvert takes shape on Rt. 116

A new box culvert is beginning to take shape on Route 116 in Middlebury, which has been closed to through traffic since Aug. 3 when flooding wiped out the prior culvert near Dow Pond.

Hollow Brook gets new flow

Addison County Regional Planning Commission (ACRPC), Lewis Creek Association (LCA), and landowners have removed the old bridge abutments and concrete in Hollow Brook near Lazy Brook Manufactured Housing Community on Hollow Road in Starksboro.

United Way giving flood aid in Addison County

In the absence of federal relief, the United Way of Addison County has established an “Addison County Responds: Flood Relief Fund” to support Addison County residents who’ve experienced home and/or property damage from this summer’s rainfall and need fina … (read more)

County farms see $3M in damage

Heavy rains that hit the state in July alone caused over $3 million worth of damage to Addison County farms, according to a survey conducted by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets this month. 

Some flooding losses are attributed to small rivers

Although Otter Creek has been the center of attention for preparing for high waters in Middlebury throughout this soggy summer, the bout of Aug. 4 flash flooding that wreaked havoc on Addison County was primarily the fault of small rivers that crept, and … (read more)

Rescues, by water or land: Area fire agencies can offer specialized help

Two area fire departments, Middlebury and Vergennes, have Technical Rescue Teams trained to do both swift-water and mountain rescues — and they have put their swift-water training to use over the past two months. 

Local firefighting tech teams make difficult saves

The floods that struck Vermont this summer show why the Middlebury and Vergennes fire departments have Technical Rescue Teams capable of acting in fast-moving water. 

Balint talks mental health with CSAC

U.S. Rep. Becca Balint, D-Vt., toured Addison County late last week to survey two kinds of hardships from which many area residents are trying to recover — those caused by recent flooding, and those caused by mental illness.