I am incredibly disappointed by the discussion around the BLM flag at Mt Abe, and feel compelled to speak up. This is about holding our institutions accountable. This is about taking responsibility for our words and actions. And while it may seem extreme to some to draw a line between little old Mt Abe and insurrection in our Capitol, it’s not. Every person who acted as terrorist in D.C. on Wednesday was once a child who was given messages about how to treat others. And when we tell our children and youth t … (read more)
A modest pandemic proposal: Governor Scott, and other governors, might issue an order to lower all flags to half-staff for the duration of the pandemic to 1. commemorate the dead and 2. remind the living of our public health responsibilities to ourselves, … (read more)
BRISTOL — Students at Mount Abraham Union High School will raise the Black Lives Matter Flag at the school on Nov. 20 in conjunction with multiple ongoing actions to address racism within the community. “We believe that Mount Abraham needs to put more ef … (read more)