It’s beginning to look a lot like Dickens!

From the magical moment just before Christmas of 1843 when Charles Dickens released his novella “A Christmas Carol,” it was an instant bestseller.

Manual Cinema reinvents ‘A Christmas Carol’ Dec. 9-11

‏The Middlebury Performing Arts Series will present this streaming-only event Dec. 9-11, with free streaming tickets available to all. Watch from home and create your own holiday memories.

A classic Christmas tale plays for everyone

Nine seasoned actors and five local children will take the stage at the Town Hall Theater in Middlebury to perform an imaginative and theatrical version of Charles Dickens’s classic “A Christmas Carol.”

Letter to the editor: ‘A Christmas Carol’ updated for our time

I would like to report a midwinter night’s dream: Last night, in the middle of the night, I dreamed about Dickens’ “Christmas Carol.” I dreamed that Donald Trump desired to enter into the spirit of Christmas and became stuck in a White House chimney. He w … (read more)