Poetry: Without retiring

For Peter Lebenbaum and his long service with the Counseling Service of Addison County.

Poet’s corner: A few small stones

It was twilight all day./ Sometimes the smallest things weigh us down,/ small stones that we can’t help/ admiring and palming.

Poet’s corner: The fields of Ripton

A Poet, In a Field Near Robert Frost’s Cabin, Lifts Enormous Boulders with his Mind

Poet’s Corner: A different kind of blue

All that is beautiful/ that slips away––/ a December night/ that before was November/ and September and before that,/ July when days were blue silver/ waves we swam through.

Poetry: The storm before Christmas

The storm before Christmas and all through the house/ No appliance was whirring, not even a mouse

Poet’s corner: Look me up in the field guide under blissful

There’s something to be said for banality,/ the way it keeps everything on a level plane,/ one cliché blithely following another/ like cows heading toward the pasture.

This month in poetry: To Raise a Simple Prayer

A saturated meadow,/ Sun-shaped and jewel-small,/ A circle scarcely wider/ Than the trees around were tall…

Poet to read new work in Brandon

On Friday, May 20, from 7-8:30 p.m., The Compass Music and Arts Center, Park Village in Brandon will present an evening with acclaimed poet Paul Christensen.

Poet’s corner: To come alive in spring

These words in this poem by James Crews help us feel the energy and strength of the little coltsfoot flower rising up, or of the many other things in spring that appear overnight with color and vibrancy.

Jim Samler writes a quirky book of poems

Jim Samler, who taught art at Otter Valley Union High School for 28 years before retiring in 2014, says his inspiration for the book came not only from those poets, but also from The New Yorker cartoonists Charles Adams and Gahan Wilson, as well as Mad Ma … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Snowbird

I don’t know whether to ride/ my mower or push my snow-blower./ Given what April brings to us.

Community poem heaps praise, love on Bristol

“Love Notes to Bristol” is a crowdsourced poetry project, a web of life spun by dozens of community members, whose moments of admiration, cherishing and yearning can be read across 38 lawn signs around town.

Letter to the editor: Sing, Etzuri — a poem with Ukrainian roots

Like you, I have a name behind/my name./Scratched inside my throat.

Poet’s Corner: Thumbprints

Snow falls lightly/ as if no fires rage/ across the world.

Poet’s Corner: To have traced the tracks…

Did I dream when we were young and full of hope, we’d always dance all night, work all day without a sign of weariness?